European Yoga Festival 3HO | August 5-13th, 2023 • Sat Nam Rasayan® European Yoga Festival 3HO | August 5-13th, 2023 • Sat Nam Rasayan®

European Yoga Festival 3HO | August 5-13th, 2023

05AugGanztägig13European Yoga Festival 3HO | August 5-13th, 2023Sat Nam Rasayan workshops and healing sessionsThemaOffener Workshop,YogafestivalLehrerDeva Singh Foerster,Fateh Singh,Seva Kaur,Siri Ram SinghInternationalParis (FR)(Ganztägig)

Event Details

August 5-13, 2023

Join the European Kundalini Yoga Family at the Chateau de Jambville – near Paris, France. The program includes 3 days of Sat Nam Rasayan workhops, White Tantric, Peace prayer day, Gurdwara. The festival is an opportunity for everybody to practice Kundalini Yoga, the sacred science of Sat Nam Rasayan and meditation, Gurdwara, the many facets of the teachings of Yogi Bhajan and Guru Dev Singh.

Sat Nam Rasayan workshop schedule

Day 1 Sunday
11-13h Introduction with Sat Atma Kaur (stretch)
14-16h Advanced class with Siri Ram Singh (temple)
18-19:30h Sat Nam Rasayan with Deva Singh (big top)
Day 2 Monday
11-13h Sat Nam Rasayan with Fateh Singh (big top)
Day 3 Tuesday
14-16h Sat Nam Rasayan with Seva Kaur (big top)
Additional Sat Nam Rasayan workshops might get scheduled, please check here, or on the bulletin boards.

Festival website:
TraveL: Airport Paris. Train station Meulan-Hardricourt, 1 hour from Paris


5. Aug. 2023 – 13. Aug. 2023 (Ganztägig)