Rome (IT) | Sat Nam Rasayan & Numerology • Sat Nam Rasayan® Rome (IT) | Sat Nam Rasayan & Numerology • Sat Nam Rasayan®

Rome (IT) | Sat Nam Rasayan & Numerology

05AprGanztägigRome (IT) | Sat Nam Rasayan & NumerologyDha numerology – Tantric – Akara – Yogi BhajanLehrerDaya Singh,Fateh SinghInternationalRome (IT)(Ganztägig: Freitag)

Event Details

Sat Nam Rasayan & Numerology workshop
with Fateh Singh & Daya Singh

Numerology – Yoga – Meditation

“Listen to the silence, wherever you are, is a simple and direct way to be present. Even if there is noise, there is always some silence behind the sounds. Listening to the silence instantly gives you peace of mind.“



5. April 2024 Ganztägig